Saturday, July 10, 2010

Conroy delays his mandatory filters in Australia

i saw a very interesting news in Sydney Morning Herald website last night, which is about the Australian Communications Minister Stephen Conroy delayed his mandatory filters on internet until next year. The reason of this happened because of widespread concerns and criticism.

The reason why this news can immediately grap my attention because it is tightly relevant to what i am studying now and i also have been hearing this affair for a while, no matter in class or in my spare time. Because i am studying in communication subject and i am also a member of generation Y, we rely on internet to get information and news all the time and this issue had took a role as highlighted issue on social networking sites. In fact, the internet censorship stuff does availably affect a massive range of people in the society. The terms "censorship" or "internet filters" are tightly related to freedom of speech of people, even Australian government said they implemented mandatory filters only for protecting children from internet pornography. But the truth is the faulted filters system did block a lot of innocuous material, which means it was not only limits the people's rights and also would block some important online sources to Australian people.

in the other hand, this current affair also reminded me to think about my own country- China where has serious censorship worse than Australia. For example, before and after 2008 Olympic game, we are not able to access many websites such as facebook, youtube,blogspot because government blocked them. Additionally, we can not type some so-called sensitive words on public networking sits. The results of these censorship is that i had no ideas about what is exactly going in this world before. I only received information and news which government wants me to know and i did not know all aspects about current affairs in the world. I somehow felt defense at the beginning of the time after i went overseas to study because i could not accept another different opinions about my country that suddenly appear in front of me. That's the most terrible part of censorship to me. However, i get used to it now because i know how important to get comprehensive aspects of one thing, which makes me to have critic thinking about happened issues and will never blindly follow only one idea again.


  1. Censorship is one of the excuses for the government to 'maintain social stability' and it is effective in controlling thinking of citizens. But in my opinion, freedom of information is one of the basic human rights and should not be exploited. The worst thing in the world is not suffering from impoverished but being ignorant.

  2. In one way, I say Internet censorship is not meant to be made by the government. Who owns the Internet? The government? Any particular country? I think not. Since a country has decided to use the Internet service, they have to accept it with consequences.

    But, in one other way, I see that internet censorship and filters can solve several problems. Many crime act can be stopped by this. especially about copyright issue. I am one of the pirates out there who stole musician's rights. I'm not proud of myself and I am trying really hard not to download unnecessary stuff that is copyrighted. If there is a filter, people might think twice to "steal".

    Then, I admit I am still pretty confused about this filtering thing. Let's just see where it goes. cheers

  3. I agree with Wini's point of view. Maybe censorship is necessary in some ways. However,citizens have a right to know everything, too much control will lead to opposite effect. Thus, i do not aggree Government's approach..

  4. Yo...ko...whats up???
    As we know it, censorship has become a controversial topic for most of citizens. Regarding to people’s opinions, censorship still tends to a negative way. Not every country provides freedom of speech, most of them might not give citizens the right to say and express what they feel. No matter how much freedom and rights that we desire, we are just having a heart but no strength.

  5. No matter in which country, the governments are trying to censor the information that related to their adverse impact, or those news harmfull to their reputation. They belive that the more citizens know about what they did the more people have potential to revolution and against current government.

    However, I belive the original reason is that every government cannot achieve completely fair, altruistic to their citizens and global people.Even the world's police-US.

    In my opinion, it is a big achievment that people can realise how important is freedom speech and their right to get information. This can be a threat to those corrupted government, supervising and hustle government do "good" things.

  6. I believe you are not alone to fear the power of censorship, which also worries me a lot. Agreed with what Wini said, under the strict censorship, the world is suffering from being ignorant. The news about Google leaving China really haunted me in the past few months as I can’t imagine how people can live without youtube, facebook and Google. These websites are useful tools to get the latest information, citizens will easily be manipulated by the government without them. Though there’s a good news recently(, I hope it can last longer and no more stricter internet censorship in China and Australia too.

    p.s I an sorry I use a blogger ID(not my current blog) to leave comment as I can't leave comment by using my xanga ID

  7. Australia Internet censorship has been discussed for a long time. Most of all are believed, the internet is not necessary filtering by government. However, a number of school or family are limited informations for the Generation Y.

    as i concerned about this, parents have the responsibility to take care their children and check the internet address. Not to make them have question for the new world.

    The school is most explored knowledge for the students that should not be stop some information or block some internet.

    I,as a young generation which sincerely not want some information been tick out. I will feel uncomfortable and also stop thinking the question.

    In the capitalism society, all human have right to freedom of speech. so that I hope it will become true.
